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How are the health, performance, virusfree, and moldfree indices calculated?

Health Index

The Health Index is based on the limit values of the Federal Environment Agency, the WHO and the so-called Vienna Health Index. The air-Q Health Index is always calculated from the “worst” measured value from all measured variables at a certain point in time. If, for example, an elevated particulate matter value leads to a 20 % reduction and a high nitrogen dioxide value justifies a 30 % reduction in health, the health index is calculated as follows: 100 % – 30 % (nitrogen dioxide value) = 70 %.

Performance Index

The calculation of the performance index is based on a different, cumulative method, which is based on recent studies by various research institutions that have analysed the performance degradation of certain air pollutants. For example, if a high level of carbon dioxide in the air results in a 20% performance penalty and a high temperature results in a 10% penalty, the performance index is calculated as follows: 100% – 20% (CO₂ discount) – 10% (temperature discount) = 70%.

Virusfree Index

The virusfree index can be activated in the settings under the item “Advanced settings” and is used to display a potential virus load (aerosol load) in the air. Here, the increase in carbon dioxide concentration (CO2) is used as the main indicator. The virusfree index functions according to the same principle as the other indices, i.e. 100 % correspond to no viral load, while, for example, 25% correspond to a fairly high load. Furthermore, all the already familiar display options are available to the virus index: LED themes and acoustic alarm on the device itself, as well as push and email notifications via the cloud.

Moldfree Index*

The air-Q mold-free index was developed to assess a potential mold risk. The humidity level over a certain period of time (not just the current value) is used as the main indicator of the possible mold load. A high index means a low risk of developing mold; a low index means an increased potential risk of mold. We are currently developing the index further so that the outside temperature and the insulation value are also included.

The mold-free index can be activated in the air-Q app and is output as a single sensor value. The mold-free index also has all display options available: LED themes on the air-Q, acoustic notifications, push / email messages and smart widgets, among others.

*The moldfree index will be available for all air-Q from winter 2024/25 and will be delivered via a firmware update.

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