The automatic calibration in the air-Q is a continuous process that calibrates all measured variables to a correct baseline at recurring intervals. The sensitivity of the sensors is pre-calibrated at the factory and does not need to be recalibrated.
During automatic calibration, the measured values flow into a mathematical model within a certain period of time to correct measured values that are too high and measured values that are too low. At the end, a correction factor (a so-called offset) is calculated and stored as a new calibration value for the respective measured variable – provided that the new calibration value is better than the existing calibration value. Otherwise, the previous offset remains. The process then starts again from the beginning.
The duration of the process varies depending on the measured variable / sensor and can last from one day to one week. However, the prerequisite for this is that the air-Q is operated continuously and that the measured values determined meet certain requirements, otherwise they are excluded from the calculation and the process is thus somewhat prolonged. For example, a continuously high VOC value or constantly fluctuating temperatures can significantly extend the calibration period. In this case, a manual calibration can be performed.
The progress of the auto calibration can be viewed in the air-Q app / can be turned off under:
Device Settings –> Sensors –> Automatic calibration