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  4. Is the air-Q suitable for short-term use or also in several rooms in succession?

Is the air-Q suitable for short-term use or also in several rooms in succession?

In general, the air-Q is very well suited for mobile use or if you want to measure several rooms in succession. However, there are some special features to be considered:

The air-Q shows its strengths in continuous analysis and monitoring. This is due to the special properties of the electrochemical sensors, which require a so-called warm-up phase. During this time, the sensors do not provide any data and issue a corresponding status message. This phase can last between 20 minutes and several hours. After that, the sensors continuously provide measurement data.

The longer the sensors provide data, the more accurate the measurement results are then also corrected by the automatic calibration. Since the electrochemical sensors react very sensitively to changes in temperature and humidity, it can happen that different measured values of a measured variable (e.g. nitrogen dioxide) are displayed in a room that is very cold and humid and in another room that is very warm and dry, although there is actually no difference.

Conclusion: Short-term (only a few hours) measurements provide an indication of qualitative analysis despite their lower accuracy and allow a rough classification of the concentration in advance. The longer the air-Q is at the site, the more quantitative significance the measurement results gain (i.e. the more accurate they become). The short-term analysis cannot be described as “very accurate”, but it does provide information as to whether it is interesting to measure at the site for a longer period of time by providing qualitative information.

Because the air-Q is basically intended as a device for permanent placement and can fall over quite easily, the purchase of our desktop stand or the wall holder is recommended for this special purpose. With this, the device can then be set up anywhere quickly and easily, without it tipping over.


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