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  4. My air-Q does not appear in the app on the dashboard

My air-Q does not appear in the app on the dashboard

Please note that the air-Q and the smartphone must be in the same WIFI network, i.e., in the identical IP range.

Additionally: Issues may arise with repeaters or guest networks, as they are often technically limited and can impact the functions of the air-Q (port restrictions, etc.).

If the air-Q is in the same WLAN, follow these steps:

Open the app to see an overview of your air-Q devices on the dashboard.
Wait for 1-2 minutes until the app automatically detects all devices (popup window) or the devices appear under “Connect air-Q” – “Available air-Qs.”

If it doesn’t work the first time, close the app completely and try again (please do not reset the app).

If the air-Q is not connected to your local WLAN, you can use the Direct Connection with the air-Q’s WLAN.

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