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  4. How do I add another sensor to the air-Q?
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  3. How do I add another sensor to the air-Q?

How do I add another sensor to the air-Q?

The following is required to install a new sensor:

  • Additional Sensor (hier erhältlich)
  • Torx 6 (Tx6) screwdriver
  • Grounding bracelet

Video tutorial:


1. Gerät vom Strom trennen

2. Vor dem Öffnen des air-Q mittels Erdungsarmband erden

3. Zwei Schrauben an der Geräteunterseite entfernen

4. Carefully open the device from below.

5. Carefully insert the additional sensor into the additional slot. Please do not touch the active sensor surface (dot in the center).

6. Close the case from above. Insert the two guide bars on the opposite side.

7. Carefully screw in the two case screws only until they are countersunk in the base. Caution: do not screw in too deeply, otherwise the case may be damaged.

8. Reconnect the air-Q to the power supply, the new sensor will be detected automatically.

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